Chicken and Dumplings


    For the meatballs: 

  •     2 chicken breasts cleaned of fat (800 g. approx.)
  •     2 eggs 
  •     1 clove of garlic
  •     6 tablespoons bread crumbs
  •     4 tablespoons of wheat flour
  •     120 ml of white wine
  •     600 ml water or chicken broth
  •     ½ red bell pepper
  •     ½ leek
  •     2 cloves of garlic
  •     1 large onion
  •     1 carrot
  •     1 small zucchini
  •     1 sprig of fresh thyme or 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
  •     Salt and black pepper (to the taste of each house)
  •     Extra virgin olive oil (enough to sauté the vegetables and fry the meatballs).

How to make Chicken and Dumplings.

This recipe with chicken that I present to you today could not be simpler, very easy chicken meatballs with vegetable sauce.

Being chicken meat, they become light and digestive, and when accompanied by vegetables, we will have a healthy and fun dish that will be delicious accompanied with a potato chip.

Since I started my culinary journey with this blog, I have always taken the opportunity to try to investigate a little about the origin, history or curiosity of each of the recipes that I have been developing.

Among many other things that I have been discovering and learning along the way. One that has caught my attention, the large number of traditional dishes in the cuisine of our country, which in one way or another, come from the Arab world. As it could not be otherwise, today’s recipe, meatballs, is another example.

Today it is one of the universal dishes that exist, both in Europe and the rest of the world. There is a variation of this recipe, with nuances and particularities of the area and local products.

I hope you like these meatballs with chicken in a sauce that I am sure will disappear among the little ones at home.

Preparation of the chicken meatballs

If your butcher has not already done it, the first thing we have to do is to grind the chicken breasts.

First of all, we remove any possible remains of fat that they may have and, to make the work easier, we cut them into 2 or 3 cm cubes. We grind the cubes with a mincer or with a blender.

Put the meat in a bowl and add the eggs, the finely chopped garlic clove and the breadcrumbs.

Mix well with a fork or with your own hands. We must join well all the ingredients and form a more or less compact paste.

If we see that it is a little fluid to make balls, we only have to add a little more breadcrumbs and mix again. With your hands, form small balls of the size you like and put aside in the fridge.

Peel and chop the onion, the sprig of thyme and the garlic. Add them to a casserole with 4 tablespoons of hot oil. Sauté over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes.

While the onion is cooking, wash and dice the carrots and red bell pepper.

Add to the casserole and stir the vegetables, letting them continue frying for 6-7 minutes more.

In the meantime, wash and cut the leek and add it again to the same casserole. Stir and let it sauté together.

Finally, peel and cut the zucchini into cubes and add to the stew. Continue cooking the vegetables, stirring from time to time for 10 minutes.

Cooking, frying and final presentation of the chicken meatballs

Add the wine and let the alcohol evaporate, allowing it to boil for 2 minutes.

Add the water, salt and cook uncovered over medium heat for 20 minutes. If we see that it runs out of water, we can add a little to the stew.

Pass the vegetables through the blender and the chinois and set aside.

While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the meatballs. In a deep frying pan, we heat abundant oil to fry.

Dredge the reserved balls in flour and, when the oil is very hot, add the meatballs.

Fry them on both sides until they are golden brown. Do not overcook them as they will be cooked with the reserved sauce. Remove to a tray with absorbent paper.

Add the meatballs to the casserole with the sauce and let them cook for 10 minutes with the pot covered and over medium heat.

Tips for serving with these meatballs

Accompany this dish with fried potatoes; another alternative is to make white rice as a garnish.

The white rice is perfect for mixing with the sauce of the meatballs, and without realizing it, you will have a great dinner.

They also go very well with pasta or boiled potatoes (potatoes go well with everything); either way they will be delicious. Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. Rex Long

    Great recipes!

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